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Jr. High & High School- Grades 7th-12th  

Equipping and Empowering Students to Change the World

Preparation for the Future

At RCCA, our Jr. High & High School program provides rigorous academics that prepare students for both college and career.  With small class sizes and a low teacher-student ratio, we are able to provide an education that is both challenging and motivating to our students.  Our graduates consistently indicate that their education at RCCA was essential in their personal development and preparation for success after graduation.

Versatile Curriculum

We aim to provide a well-rounded educational experience for our high school students.  In addition to core classes and electives, high schoolers have the option of taking part in various clubs, organizations, and athletic programs. Our teachers implement a variety of strategies to be sure that all students, no matter their learning style, are able to master the high-level academics.

Developing Disciples

With Bible class, scripture memorization, and weekly Chapel, our Jr. High & High schoolers learn in an environment that facilitates spiritual growth. RCCA students graduate with a strong knowledge of God’s Word, starting their adult lives with a foundation of solid truth. Rich in community involvement and service, our high school program focuses on developing a generation of leaders who will make a difference for Christ in their neighborhoods.

Jr. High & High School Teachers


Mrs. LuAnne Ferrill

7th-12th History, Debate & Speech, Class of 2025 Advisor

​BS Social Studies & Secondary Education

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania


Mrs. LuAnne Ferrill and her husband Mitch have been married for over 35 years.  They are the parents of son, Will (architecture student) and daughter, Anne (RCCA Class of 2019).  


Mrs. Ferrill studied Secondary Education/Social Studies at Lock Haven State College, Binghamton University, and Penn State University.  Her teaching career began at North Schuylkill High School where she taught Social Studies for two years.  She moved back to the local area and worked at IBM for 15 years as a technical writer and editor of manuals and online documentation for an IBM software product.  As part of this job, Mrs. Ferrill both designed and taught courses related to this software.  After a few years as a stay-at-home-mom, Mrs. Ferrill resumed her career at Chestnut Rehabilitation Services, where she where she worked with clients to determine job skills, write resumes, and develop career possibilities.


Mrs. Ferrill currently teaches Sunday School in her local church, and also served as a Youth Group leader.  She is a member of Community Independent Bible Church in Little Meadows, PA.

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Mrs. Christine Lane

7th-12th English, Creative Writing, Student Council Advisor

BA English & Elementary Education, Houghton College


Mrs. Lane joined the RCCA faculty in 2002 as a sixth grade teacher. This was a return to full-time teaching for her, as she had taken several years away from teaching to be at home with her children. Her prior teaching experience included a year at Northstar Christian Academy in Rochester, NY and two years at Christian Central Academy in Williamsville, NY.


After moving back to this area in 1989, Mrs. Lane taught Junior High English and Spanish at RCCA. During the years that she was at home with her children, Mrs. Lane served as a substitute teacher at RCCA and volunteered at Zion Lutheran School in Owego, NY. After her return to RCCA in 2002, she taught sixth grade for four years before moving to her current role as RCCA's 7th-12th grade English teacher.


Mrs. Lane and her husband, Stephen, have three children - all graduates of RCCA. They are active members of Straits Corners Baptist Church in Candor, NY. She is passionate about her faith, family, and sharing her love of the written word every day in the classroom.


Miss Denise Maassen

Math 7, Pre-Algebra, Consumer Math, Spanish I, II, III

​MS Education Administration, Bob Jones University

BA German, Bob Jones University


Miss Maassen grew up in the Owego, New York area and is a member of Tioga Center Baptist Church. She attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, where she received her BA and MS degrees.


After college, Miss Maassen taught at West Side Christian Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida before God led her back to New York to take care of her mother. She taught at Tioga Center Christian School while serving in her home church. During those 30+ years, Miss Maassen was also the caregiver for both of her parents in their latter years.


When Tioga Center Christian School closed in 2012, the Lord directed Miss Maassen to Ross Corners Christian Academy, where she has joyfully and faithfully taught middle and high school for the last 14 years.


Mrs. Leslie Meyers

9th-12th Math, Girls' Health, School Guidance Counselor

MS Education / Curriculum Development, SUNY Cortland

MA Counseling, Clarks Summit University

BS Education / Math, SUNY Cortland


Mrs. Meyers began teaching high school mathematics at RCCA in 2019.


She has two grown sons, a daughter in law, and four granddaughters (two currently attend RCCA). Her husband, Mark, is also an educator (public school ESL teacher).  Mrs. Meyers holds a Bachelor of Science in Education (Math) from SUNY Cortland, a Master of Science in Education (Curriculum Development) from SUNY Cortland, and a Master of Arts in Counseling from Clark Summit University. 


Mrs. Meyers brings decades of teaching experience K-12 in mathematics and reading.  She spent many years serving as an educational advocate for Parents Instructing Challenged Children (PICC) with NYS LEAH.  Mrs. Meyers has worked with students in special education, and has experience teaching students in gifted programs.  She also worked part time in private practice as a Biblical Counselor with Foundations Christian Counseling in Johnson City, NY.  Mr. and Mrs. Meyers attend Grace Point Church in Vestal, NY.   


Mr. Jerry Platz

7th-12th Bible, 7th-12th Computer Applications, Physics

B.S Life Sciences & Biochemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.Div, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary


Mr. Platz came to RCCA in 2022.  He holds a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Life Sciences and Biochemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Prior to coming to RCCA, he taught 6th-12th grade science at Cortland Christian Academy and worked as a substitute teacher in Newark Valley High School.  


Mr. Platz served for six years as the Lead Pastor at First Congregational Church in Berkshire, NY, and helped to lead the college and young adult ministries as well as evangelism and discipleship training, worship leading, and coordinating discipleship and missions conferences at Park Street Church in Boston, MA (for 15 years).


Mr. Platz has been married to Mrs. Kathy Platz for over 35 years and they have two grown children, Elizabeth and David.  He enjoys handyman projects and studying church history.  


Mrs. Kathy Platz

7th- 12th Grade Science, Class of 2027 - Advisor

MS Occupational Therapy, Boston University

BA Chemistry/Science, Gordon College


Mrs. Kathy Platz began teaching 7th-12th science at RCCA in 2018. Prior to coming to RCCA, she taught in multiple educational settings covering many different academic courses, including science. Mrs. Platz also worked as an Occupational Therapist, and spent 12 years working as a Research Technician at Boston University Medical School. She has also taught at Clear Vision Connection  (Vestal) in the high school science department. She served as a pastor's wife for 24 years. 


Mrs. Platz has a passion for learning and teaching science from a biblical worldview. She and her husband, Jerry, are active members at Grace Point Church in Vestal, NY.    


2101 Owego Rd. | Vestal, NY 13850

Phone/Fax 607-748-3301

© 2022 Ross Corners Christian Academy

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